Topics Test Qualification Test
It is a projection technology. The full set of tests have a total of 30 blurred characters, some of which are used in men, women, boys and girls, some are shared. When the test is measured, the test is required to tell a story according to the content. The queer will take their own thoughts on the owner of the picture when telling the story. Murray's approach is to analyze a series of "need" and "pressure" from the story. He believes that it is necessary to send a pressure, and is exactly because of the need to control people's behavior, affecting the formation and development of personality. Therefore, through the subject trial test, it can reflect a person's personality characteristics. Later, the structural techniques in projection techniques were derived on this basis. Clinician also uses this test results to conduct pathological analysis.
ThematicApperceptionTest, referred to as TAT. A full set of tests have 30 black and white pictures and 1 blank card. The picture content is more than one or more characters in a blurred background, but the meaning is concealed. In terms of testing, 19 pictures and a blank card tested according to the gender of the test and the child or the adult (14 years old).
The subject looks like a picture, then according to a story, the narrative of the story should include four basic dimensions:
(1) describe what kind of situation is described;
(2) How the situation in the picture occurs;
(3) The figure in the picture is thinking.
(4) What will happen.