Software package

The term "

package appeared in the 1960s. In the early 1960s, IBM has transformed the IBM1400 series of application libraries into a more flexible and easy-to-use software package. Informatics designs and develops automatic flow charts in the form of user needs and develops AutoFlow. In 1969, the software began to separate from the computer system into independent ingredients, and the terminology of the package began to be widely used.

constitutes the

package consists of a basic configuration and several optional components, or both source code form or a target code form. Documents such as user manuals and guides are an important part of the package. In addition, the maintenance and technical support of the package is also necessary.

Package in system management, the management of package is the most important, which is the basis of system management; only the management of our software package can talk to other applications; this article Document format, list the installation, update, query of the package of the newer, and relative documentation, as well as several commonly used package management tools, such as System-Cofig-packages, Yum, PPAPT

Package Management Tool

Software package

1, system-config-packages

2, yum online update package, can also manage local installed software package tool


For Linux, BSD system

In Linux, BSD system, the package mainly appears in two forms: binary package and source package . The main binary package format is:




source package is mainly suitable for free software installation, Users need to compile them themselves.

For Windows System

In Windows, most software packages appear in the installer, you can install the software in the formulated directory, too Use the compression tool to pack, and then decompress it.

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