Social System Engineering Methodology

Brief introduction

The content of "Social System Engineering Methodology" is divided into two parts: The first part explains the inevitability of the development of social systems engineering from the perspective of the historical development of natural science and social science. Due to its complexity, the international academic community has not yet formed a unified system for it. This part also expounds the basic theory of social system, general system theory and the behavioral functional framework derived from social system theory, explores the broad and narrow definitions of social systems engineering, and makes progress in the development of the discipline of international social systems engineering. Summary. The second part is the explanation of the methodology of social systems engineering and its five subsystems (planning, culture, analysis, regulation, think tank). The content of this book includes domestic and foreign experience and elements, and has made a comparatively systematic exploration of social system engineering and methodology. It has enlightenment for the planning, system reform and policy design of the country and large enterprises, and has important academic exploration value and reality. Meaning. This book can be used as a reference textbook for the management (macro and micro) and policy disciplines of universities and colleges

About the author

Wang Huijiong, born in Shanghai on February 27, 1925, Shanghai in 1947 Graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Jiaotong University, with 33 years of comprehensive experience in power engineering design and production management. The book "Introduction to System Engineering" was published in 1980 and passed the national public recruitment examination and was admitted as a social science researcher. In 1982, he began to work at the Development Research Center of the State Council. He has participated in and presided over a number of large-scale domestic and foreign projects research and cooperative research, such as "China in 2000", industrial structure and industrial policy, and the United Nations Development Agency's nearly 3 million US dollars project-comprehensive research on economic development and reform, etc. Served as a consultant of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, a consultant of Kazakhstan's "2030 Strategy" and a local consultant of the United Nations Development Program, ESCAP, World Bank, and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. There are more than 100 domestic and foreign books or periodicals published, and some English works have been translated into other foreign languages. In 2015, combined with his nearly 30 years of work experience in policy consulting and exploration to integrate "Social System Engineering Methodology"

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