Production capacity utilization


Unfortunately, there is no statistical or estimate of this indicator, and it is very rare about calculating the discussion of this indicator. The only article is an article on the Institute of Economics and Technology and Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. This article mainly uses Clein, etc., in the "peak-to-peak) proposed in the last century, the peak-to-peak method calculates the utilization of capital equipment (the ratio of capital service and actual capital stock), and The potential production capacity is obtained after adjusting the labor force. This is a more traditional method, which has a large arbitrary, and the final result is often dependent on how the calcisher determines the peak.

Production capacity utilization

Calculating Formula

Production capacity utilization =

(actual production / production capacity

x 100%

The closer to 100%, the more the production capacity is used, the smaller the difference between the actual output and potential output, the higher the quality of economic development; Some production capacities are idle, and the actual economic development is less than the speed of potential economic development, and the quality of economic development needs to be improved. Production capacity utilization is an important indicator of the quality of economic development. Unfortunately, there is no statistical statistics in my country. To properly evaluate the quality of economic development, the statistics and assessment of this indicator must be perfected.

The metrics of production capacity is a major problem in trouble learning. Since there is no direct statistical data that can be utilized, the capacity utilization status must rely on indirect metrics. The metrics method of production capacity can be roughly divided into peak analysis, and the random parameter production leading edge method (SPF), non-parametric production front edge (DEA) data envelope analysis method, and elements developed based on the third method The four categories of congestion method, the common principles of these four types of methods are to compare the actual production status and the best or effective production state as the metric of the excess state. The data envelope analysis method of the front or non-parameter production of random parameters and non-parametric production is to draw production capacity based on the efficiency metrics based on the production of the production, and the difference is that the pre-production front edge is used as the parameter. Methods or non-parameter methods. DEA can analyze single output and multi-output, but it does not consider random changes of data, and thus the measurement of excess capacity is smaller than eliminating favorable random components. More than the DEA method, the advantage of the SPF method is to take into account the output of random changes, and the disadvantage is that it is very complicated and requires multiple output distance functions, and is not good at outputting zero. The advantage of peak method is to only have a single input and a single data, so it is the most widely used method and the lowest data requirement in a method of estimating the production capacity utilization rate.

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