Political ideology

distinct class character

There are distinct class nature of political ideology. The dominant political ideology in certain societies, must be the political ideology of the dominant economic class of the society. Because "a class is dominant on the social and material forces, but also accounted for spiritual strength dominance in society. Dominates the material means of production classes, as well governs data spirit production, therefore, that there is no spirit of production the human mind, is generally dominated by the ruling class "(" Selected Works of Marx and Engels, "Vol. 1, p. 52). Reflect the ideology of the ruling class in the form of economic and political relations maintained by the class, and to demonstrate the legality of rationality and economic class, political system of domination. Under the guidance of the ruling class political ideology, political power operation mechanism design organizational structure, forms of domination, political strategy and means the entire political system, internal control and class conflicts between classes. Rulers sought by political ideology of the class to convert their political influence to people's psychological and political authority, and make it become the measure of the value of people's political behavior criteria and standards of public opinion, so that it is in actual politics society and lasting political coercion can not play the role.

Political ideology

part of the superstructure

political ideology part of the superstructure, it reflects the operation of the process of political relations in certain socio-economic basis unfolded. Any political ideology always thought to inherit their predecessors material, and these materials for processing, transformation and correction, the political ideology with its own characteristics of the times. It ultimately depends on the political and ideological conditions of people's lives matter. Any kind of political ideology will change with changes and changes in economic and political conditions of development of social productivity, material living conditions. Certain social dominant political ideology is a new political ideology, replaced necessarily by the emergence of new social mode of production and rise to dominance decision. Feudal lords against the tyranny of political thought as generated in feudal society, peasant uprisings, does not fundamentally shake the feudal socio-political ideology at all. Only after the emergence of capitalist mode of production, the bourgeoisie and the people in the anti-feudal alliance, joint struggle against the theocratic, with the gradual growth of economic and political power of the bourgeoisie, have evolved to human reason, natural rights, political ideology based on the principles of natural law of bourgeois democracy. The political ideology after the establishment of the rule of capital base, replace the traditional political ideology, capitalist society has become the dominant political ideology, to become bourgeois maintain their vested interests and political domination, control and elimination of proletarian political confrontation and the national democratic revolutionary struggle of the colonial and semi-colonial peoples, adjust the political ideology of the class and adjust the internal contradictions and conflicts between international interests. Starts, it will gradually lose its progressive role has played in history.


In the process of the basic contradictions of capitalist society deepening and intensification of the proletariat as an independent political force boarded the stage of history, and with the bourgeoisie the struggle gradually grow and mature. It broke through the bourgeois political ideology confinement and bound, on the basis of the Marxist labor movement and the combination of the formation and development of the political ideology of scientific socialism. Based on dialectical and historical materialism on the basis of proletarian political ideology, and political ideology of the exploiting classes in the past it is fundamentally different, it is a political ideology complete revolution of the human history of the highest type, is the only science. It correctly reflects the law of social and political development as the guiding ideology of proletarian socialist revolution and construction, but also with the development of its historical practice of socialist revolution and construction and continue to develop.

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