Random uncertainty
Random uncertainty

Space Model Fee Estimation of Random Uncertainties Optimization Comprehensive Under complex technology and external environmental conditions, random uncertainty involved in three cost estimates an...


Painting content This is an oil painting on a wooden board, which is now in the Florence Uffeti Museum. Describe the first chapter of the New Testament, Matthew, the first one, Mary's holy spirit,...

safe society
safe society

briefly Social Security is one of the guiding framework of public safety education in primary and secondary education six points out of public safety module. The main contents of the public safe...

National Shanghai Medical School
National Shanghai Medical School

Introduction National Central University School of Medicine, founded in Shanghai in 1927 by the National Central University, National University is China's first medical school founded; first name...

Xu Teli
Xu Teli

House Introduction location (1) Hunan protection units. Located 43 kilometers east of Changsha five US Director Sha County township. Is a brick courtyard houses. It was built in waiting. 1914 r...


synonymous with the Eskimos (Inuit) generally refers to the Inuit Introduction inhabited by Inuit in northern Canada, see them in Greenland, Alaska can be. Figure is not high, wide nose, straight...

Individual difference
Individual difference

Definitions Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle are talking about individual differences. For example, Plato is pointed out in a book: two people are not living exactly, everyone has their own...

Indigenous unity
Indigenous unity

Established Process September 8, 2016, Malaysia front deputy prime minister Mu Yuding arrived at the Headquarters of the Kuala Lumpur Association, and puts its application. September 9, 2016, th...


Introduction Anddon Society is created in Baoqing Second Years (1226), which is one of the oldest colleges in Jiangsu Province. The main building is a butterfly hall (the shape is like butterfly,...

Han Shu · Geography
Han Shu · Geography

is written by the Eastern Han scholar class, and it is one of the "Han Shu" in 54 to 92 Books. It has reviewed the construction of the Kaifeng State, Han Dynasty, and the mountains, households, mate...

Comprehensive utilization of mineral resources
Comprehensive utilization of mineral resources

Introduction Comprehensive resources, comprehensive utilization of mineral resources, refers to the collectiveness of mineral resources, comprehensive evaluation, comprehensive exploitation, compr...

Load duration
Load duration

Welder Transportation Rate The load duration (temporary) is the proportion of the machine (multi-finger welder) in a period of working time in one cycle. Handmade general welding current should no...

Grand View Park
Grand View Park

Historical Level Grand Building is located in the southwest of Kunming City, is on the verge of Dianchi grass sea, the Taihuanshan water is expected to be "near Hualu". Ming, Qianning Wang Muyin...


Profile Introduction China 's first formal implementation of China. In 1902 (Qing Guangxu 28 Years) The Minister of Management, Zhang Baixi, has placed the "Qin Ding School of Association", 即 寅...

Semiconductor discrete device
Semiconductor discrete device

Product Description Electronics are divided into "conductor" and "insulator" between "conductors" and "insulator" according to its conductivity performance, and the semiconductor components are in...


Introduction China's Honghu, Poyang Lake, Dongting Lake, Dianchi and other lakes, since 1960, has been surrounded by large-scale reclamation, exacerbated the environmental ecology of the lake area...