Middle-run ballistic missile

Synonym Middle Range Missile Generally refers to Middle Routing Ballistic Missile

Missile Introduction

Medium Timming Missile

According to the general definition, The land missile is short from the short range (1000 kilometers below the range), the middle range (1000 ~ 3000 km), remote (3000 ~ 8,000 kilometers), an intercontinental (8,000 kilometers or more) missiles. But this standard is not uniform in the East Western, and countries have different definitions in the range of the scope of the mid-course missile. For example, the famous Mei Su "Normal Treaty" stipulates that the range is a mid-range missile in 1000 ~ 5,500 km, while the range is 500 to 1000 kilometers for medium and short-range missiles.


The mid-ballistic ball missile has been equipped in the world. In 1987, the United States signed a mid-guided treatment according to the Soviet Union, according to this treaty, the mid-course ballistic missile of the two countries was all destroyed. At present, the mid-range ballistic missile is mainly served in the secondary and third world countries. North Korea and Iranian research mossile ballistic missiles may plan the general concern of Western countries, because the mid-missile owned by these two countries will threaten Asian Allies in Europe and the United States. This type of missile has a special development history within a global scale.


The development of the ballistic missile will increase the range as the pursuit of the goal, so the missile range is so fast in the late 1950s, it is generally close or reaching 1,000 kilometers, representing There is SS-4, SS-5, and "Pan Xing" 1, "Pan Xing" 1A (760 kilometers of range). At this time, the missile belongs to the first generation. The Soviet Union basically uses low temperature, not available for liquid propellants, and the combat applicability is poor, and the United States uses solid propellant, and the applicability is relatively good. By the mid-1970s, the Russian army launched a new SS-20 mid-missile, the US military main force replaced "Panxing" 2 ballistic missile. Since both weapons use solid propellants and more advanced guidance methods, and

is deployed to Europe, the range is covered with each other, and the deployment is shorter and cannot be warned, and the maneuver launch is high. Therefore, both parties believe that it is an effective means of restraining the other party. The number of production and deployment of both parties is large, and the Soviet Union actually deployed 441 SS-20 missiles. The emergence of SS-20 not only has a qualitative leap in the survivability and technology water of the Soviet missile, but also enables the Soviet nuclear batteries to expand rapidly. In 1980, the Soviet Union has 5,500 nuclear warheads, and has risen sharply by 1985. At 9,300, the number of warheads in the United States is basically around 7800. This allows the Soviet Union to transcend the United States in the number of nuclear warheads, thus changing the comparison of the Eastern and Western nuclear power, so that the United States has felt the second panic after the Soviet Union launched the first man-made satellite. This actually makes both parties realize that this is a way to destroy each other, so the two sides start from the beginning of deployment, starting this weapon cut.

cut the destruction

The Soviet Union deployed SS-20 in Europe to threaten the city, and NATO adopts "Double Rail Strategy", which is in conducting military control negotiations, European deployed US "Panxing" 2 missile and BGM-1096 land cruise missile, but the final strategy contrast has not changed, and the Western world has to returned to the negotiation table. The negotiations began in November 1981, a total of 6 rounds of talks were held, 111 plenary meetings. The United States has put forward the "zero program", "temporary agreement program", "gradual reduction program", "420 warhead programs", etc .; the Soviet Union has proposed "freeze plan", "stages of cutting programs", "equally cut Solution ", etc. Because the ghosts of the two sides, I hope that through the "Program War", the two sides finally have to give up negotiations. After 1982, the Soviet Union has been unable to maintain confrontation due to long-term large-scale military competitions and the drag of the Afghan war, and eventually have to accept "double zero" to eliminate the deployment of China and short-range nuclear missiles and mid-range missiles. plan. Therefore, Mei Su quickly signed the "Middle Guide Treaty" in December 1987. The Treaty stipulates that the destruction of the range of the range of 1000 to 5,500 kilometers and the short-range missile of 500 ~ 1000 kilometers. This treaty is an important symbol of the East and West Relationship. However, the development of the mid-range missile in the US Russia.

Revival again

After nearly 30 years after signing the "Normal Treaty", due to the four armed interferences and some regional conflicts of hegemonic countries, it has led to the United States. Many national missile weapons have developed rapidly, and the mid-range missiles become the inevitable choices for these national weapons and upgrades. For example, India has developed "fire" 2 and "fire" 3 missiles, North Korea has developed "labor" and "dance water end" missiles, Iran has developed "Meteor" 2 and "Meteor" 3 missiles, and the United States use this as an excuse Vigorously promote the construction of missile defense systems, and unilaterally tear "anti-guiding treaties" signed in 1972. Russia believes that this is one of the nuclear threats of the United States to Russia, and is proposed to exit the "Middle Guide Treaty" in January 2005. Since then, Russia has repeatedly developed the NATO to develop and deploy a mid-range missile in the adjacent European border. After 2013, the United States found that the PAS-26 "frontier" missile and a cruise type "Is Cantle" missile system of more than 500 kilometers of the PAS-26 "leading test of approximately 5,800 kilometers. The United States repeatedly accused Russia's "shovel" and violated the "Middle Treaty". At the same time, the United States believes that the Treaty is limited to the United States, indulging in other countries to develop the middle school missiles, threaten the US security, and some "Middle guide treaties" should be exited from "Survival". At this point, the problem of mid-range missiles will once again become a new issue of international military control negotiations.


Although the mid-range ballistic missile is classified according to the range, this also determines its basic properties to make it more superior to other missiles.

Rag connection

Most missile weapons developing countries have passed the process of mid-range missiles, but the US Russia in order to pursue remote power and across intercontinental strategic deterrence purposes. This type of missile is gradually ignored. In use, it is not as convenient as short-range missiles, and can immediately resolve battlefield tactical problems; in the strategy, it is not as big as a remote missile, so the type of missile has been prosperous, but his family is not very large, and It is also pretended to be cut. However, as a transition between the short-range and remote missiles, it has an important role. For example, Soviet Union In order to form a strategic deterrence at the time, the SS-20 is intensively deployed in the western, Ural, Siberia and the Far East. Among them, the western part is 17 launch pads in 14 weez and Ukraine, which are mainly used to combat important goals in Western Europe. Take the Smoreca launch field as an example, its hit range includes Western Europe, Greenland, North Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan and my country. Ural is Yuria, the 5 launch pads on both sides of Uralshan, Ural, Ural, mainly used to combat important goals in Western Europe, but also combat some of our targets. The Uria hit range includes Western Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, India, and my country, Lhasa, Lanzhou, Hohhot First-line Northwest. Siberia is 10 launch pads in New Siberia, Balna, and Cansk. The main purpose is to combat our country. Take New Siberia as an example, its hit range includes Nordic, West Germany, Greece, Middle East and Nanda, all of my country and most of Japan. The Far East is the 5 launch pads of Chicagata in the East of Baikal. The main purpose is to combat our country and Japan, the scope of the hits include the most of South Asia, Southeast Asia, China, Japan, and the United States Some important goals in the West Pacific region. It can be seen that it can replace the remote or intercontinental missiles to form a large-scale high deterrence of surrounding countries and regions, filled the blank of the short-range and intercontinental missiles.

Critical Universal

Mediense missile due to the moderate, modern guidance technology has met its more precise strike requirements, but can not only be used in traditional small and medium equivalents, but also Meet the routine strike needs of large power. For example, SS-20 medium-run missile equipment is a divided multi-war, equivalent to 3 × 1.5 10,000 tons, and hit accuracy can reach 0.37 kilometers, which is more accurate at that time. The "Panxing" 2 missile deployed later in the United States uses the warhead leading technology, and its hitting accuracy reaches 40 meters, which is close to the regular hits, and if modern scene matching and satellite guidance technology, the intensive accuracy can be further reduced to More than 10 meters, which fully satisfies the damage needs of the child's bulge warhead. However, it should also be seen that the characteristics of the cropping of the crop-general may cause the defensive party to judge the cropping of the strike. Due to the approximation of the appearance and ballistic characteristics of the two missiles, it will face the conventional blow mistakes to be a nuclear blow, and then engage the nuclear weapon. Countries, trigger conventional war upgrades to nuclear war.


Due to the moderate size and overall weight of the mid-range missile, it can be designed as a highway mobile system like a medium and short-range missile, but also using remote missiles. More complex ground measurements and positioning systems to improve remote strike accuracy. In particular, considering economic cost and combat value, as well as the overall quality of the body, the mid-range ballistic missile is ideal for the use of a cylindrical cold emission design. This is also a relatively typical road cylindrical cold emission design. Basically, the original applied to a mid-range missile. For example, a vertical launch of the Soviet SS-20 missile is installed on the chassis for improved MA3-543 motor vehicles, and its ground command control system is mounted on another motor vehicle, which can be moved on the road, in predictive launch Positional launch. The missile is installed in a special protective tube, which is shipped by the transportation launch vehicle, which can be hidden in the forest, the bridge or culvert, and it can be transferred to the enemy, which is not easy to be discovered and suddenly attacked. According to the analysis, the total tonnage of the SS-20 missile motor launcher is about 60 tons, which can pass the No. 1 highway and bridge at high speed, and can also pass the 3-4 highway and bridges, and can also pass the portion 5-6 at low speed. Highway and bridges, the low-level bridge is reinforced by the temporary bridge, and can also be passed. In addition, since the SS-20 missile system uses a cylindrical cold hair rack, it can quickly transfer the rebound after the launch, which increases the living capacity and combat capability of backup missiles.

It can be seen that the medium-range missile is due to the moderate volume and overall quality, which makes it both the advantages of short-range missiles and remote missiles, so it occupies an irreplaceable role in the missile weapon line.

Mississions list

Soviet : R-14 mid-range ballistic missile R-12 (NATO code SS-4 "sandals"), R-14 ( NATO code SS-5 "Short Sword"), RT-15 (NATO Code SS-14 "Sublims"), RSD-10 (NATO Code SS-20 "Pepper")

US: Zhu Greti Shen Panxing 2

China: Dongfeng 3A, Dongfeng 4 (can be seen as an accurate international missile), Dongfeng-21

< P> France: S-2, S-3

India: Fire 2, fire 3

Pakistan : Shaoxin 2

Iran: Meteor-2, Meteor-3

North Korea: Dapu Cave - 1, Dapu Cave -2, Labor, Dance Water End

Russia SS-26 Tactical Ballistic Missile

Russian SS-26 Tactical Ballistic Missile Spider B "Missile, its predecessor is an SS-23 missile that has been named" Spider ". S-23 once made NATO's" Spider B "to" any anti-missile system "," Even the famous "patriot" missiles are also free.

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