Material structure and properties


High school chemistry is divided into: "Compulsory 1" "Compulsory 2" "Elective 1 Chemistry and Life" "Elective 2 Chemistry and Technology" "Elective 3 Material Structure and Properties" ( Divided into people's education version, Su Teacher version, Luke Edition) "Elective 4 Chemical Reaction Principles" "Elective 5 Organic Chemical Foundation" "Experimental Chemistry"

People's Education Edition Classification

People's Education Edition

│ 1 Atomic Structure and Properties

│ │ ├ 1 Atom Structure

│ │ 2 Atom Structure Chapter of the element

│ ├ 2 Chapter Molecular Structure and Properties

│ │ ├ Section First Co - buses

│ 第二 第二 分 分Stereoscopic structure

│ 第 分 分

│ ├ Chapter 3 Crystal structure and properties

│ 第一 第一 第一 的 常 常

│ │ 2 Iocent Crystals and Atomic Crystals

│ │ ├ Third Size Metal Crystal

│ │ 第 第 子 子

Su Teai version is divided into:

│ ├ Topic 1 revealing the mystery of the material structure

│ ├ Topic 2 atomic structure and element properties

│ │ First Unit Atom Nuclear Electronic Movement

Material structure and properties

│ │ ├The Second Unit Elemental Change Law

│ ├ Topic 3 Microplic Right and Material Nature / p>

│ │ First unit metal key metal crystal

│ │ ├ second unit ionic ion crystal

│ │ ├ Third unit covalent key atom Crystal

│ │ Fourth Unit Molecular Effective Molecular Crystal

│ ├ Topic 4 Molecular Spatial Structure and Material Properties

│ │ ├ First Unit Molecular configuration and material properties

│ │ ├ How the second unit complex is formed

├ Luko version is divided into:

│ ├ Chapter 1 Atomic Structure

│ │ ├ Section 1 Atom Structure Model

│ │ ├ Section 2 Atom Structure and Element Period

│ │ ├ 3 Treatment and Element properties

│ ├ Chapter 2 Chemical bond and molecular weight action

│ │ ├ Section 1 Co-bond model

│ │ ├ 第 Section 2 Co-price key and molecular spatial configuration

│ │ 第 3 ion key, coordination button and metal bile

│ │ ├ Section 4 Molecular action and material properties

│ ├ Chapter 3 Major aggregation status And material properties

│ │ ├ Section 1 confirmation crystal

│ │ ├ Section 2 Metal Crystal and Ion Crystal

│ │ ├ Section 3 Atom Crystal and molecular crystals

│ │ ├ * Section 4 Several other categories of other aggregated substances

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