Extension expansion

synonym extension of expanded reproduction generally refers to the extension of expanded reproduction

production conditions

epitaxial reproduction is expanding at an institution of production technology and capital Chengdu, unchanged, through additional investment and increasing the number of labor force to expand the production capacity of the new project benefits or to achieve expanded reproduction. Extension of expanded reproduction is achieved by expanding the scale of production simply increasing the number of factors of production. Increasing the number of factors of production depends on how much the total amount of social resources, while the total amount of social resources are limited. Therefore, only when the limited resources allocated to social development in line with those of the direction of the national economy, good economic and corporate promising epitaxial expanded reproduction, in order to effectively utilize resources to social and economic development play a catalytic role, otherwise only can reduce the efficiency of resource allocation, resulting in waste of resources.


primarily through capital investment in China, including: New Item ① for economic, scientific, technological and social development carried out; ② for the expansion of production capacity or benefits and build new plants, the main production plant, mine, Lunar double-track railway, berths and other expansion projects; ③ whole plant relocation project to change the distribution of productive forces carried out. Extension to expand the scale and speed of reproduction, depending on the size of the national income and the number of accumulated proportion of national income share of the fund. Extension of expanded reproduction of the results of performance in the area for the emergence of new or existing industrial enterprises to expand production scale industry, leading to significant changes in the layout of the industrial area.

Extension expansion

content distinguishes

Marx's "Das Kapital" Volume II Chapter VIII, the extension into the expanded reproduction expanded reproduction expanded reproduction and the inclusion of two types. He said: "If the expansion of the production site, is to expand on the extension; if the means of production efficiency, and is to expand on the contents." Said: "the accumulation of surplus value into capital, aspires , is to expand the scale of the process of reproduction, regardless of whether such an expansion is in terms of performance from the extension beyond the old factory Tim set up a new factory, or from the contents of the original aspects of performance for the expansion of production scale. "according to Marx's discussion, analysis after Daqin Railway Capacity expansion belong extension or embedded to expand production, the need for further understanding of this division between the two.

divided viewpoint

this, the division of the epitaxial expanded reproduction expanded reproduction of the contents and have different views.

One view is that, if there should be to increase the accumulation of outreach and inclusion as a sign of division; scale of production caused by the accumulation of the expansion is the extension of expanded reproduction, to expand the scale of production of non-accumulation of factors is contains expanded reproduction. In essence, the extension of expanded reproduction is not necessary to increase the accumulation, containing expanded reproduction can not say absolutely do not accumulate. Marx discussed in fixed assets to expand production into the update can point out: "If the expansion of the production site, is to expand on the extension; if production efficiency, and is to expand on the contents of this expanded scale reproduction, not by accumulation. - residual value into capital - caused, but from the body out of the fixed capital points, and its monetary value and then separated into additional fixed capital same or greater efficiency caused. "

another point of view, should be increased if the amount of labor and extension as the division flag embedded. Due to increased production scale due to the expansion of the amount of labor is the extension of expanded reproduction, production scale expansion of labor productivity is caused by inclusion of expanded reproduction. In fact in addition to the logo, there are other signs. For example, Marx's "Das Kapital" Volume II Book III expansion of the study of reproduction, it belongs to the extension of expanded reproduction, but he is abstract labor productivity and other factors, whether alone from capital accumulation to study reproduction. Marx also said: "{reproduction expanding production has expanded each year is due to two reasons: first, because the production of capital is growing; second, due to the continuous improvement of the efficiency of capital use; ......."

There is a view that should be based on whether or not to increase the number of production, as the division and extension contains a sign of the scale of production due to the increase in the number of production due to the extension of the expansion is to expand production, production efficiency production scale of the increase is due to the expansion of the contents of expanded reproduction. It is not comprehensive. Extension in the case of expanded reproduction can not increase production, to expand the scale of production by the amount of labor, expanded reproduction can not improve the efficiency of production, and to expand the improvement of labor productivity. Marx said: "Once the merger of two capital elements of the original form of wealth - labor and land, it will get a capability expansion, this capacity can make its capital factor accumulation seems to extend beyond the the size of its own determined range, that is, beyond the existence embodied by capital, has been the production of value and volume of production of a range determined. "Thus, by carefully reading the in-depth understanding of Marx's discussion can be seen, the above three viewpoints three from three different point of view, to a certain extent reflects the extension of expanded reproduction and intensive expanded reproduction of difference, but not comprehensive. In fact, the so-called extension of expanded reproduction should mean increasing the number of factors of production, namely by increasing accumulation and increases the amount of labor, increase production to expand the scale of production, a factor which has expanded is the extension of the expansion. The so-called expanded reproduction is through improving the efficiency of production factors, namely by raising capital (funds) efficiency of use, increase labor productivity, improve the efficiency of production to expand production scale, which has an efficiency factor, which is containing expanded reproduction. Only emphasize one factor is the only distinction between extension and expanded reproduction expanded reproduction marks are one-sided.

As can be seen from the case discussion, the Datong-Qinhuangdao Railway in the process of revamping, the increment of capital that is invested, but also the expansion of production sites, the amount of labor that is incremental investment, and there enhance labor productivity, so it's expanded reproduction that is implicit, but also the extension. In fact, the expansion and extension of the contents of the expansion are often cross together. There are contained in the epitaxy, the epitaxial in intron. In the analysis of the problem should be noted that extension can not be expanded reproduction and connotation expanded reproduction of absolute distinction.

production relations

From the point of view of social reproduction, economic growth mode from extensive to intensive, is to expand production from the extension of the transition to expanded reproduction connotation. Marx's "Das Kapital" clearly states: "If the expansion of the production site, is to expand on the extension; if production efficiency, and is expanding in content." Which means an increase in the production site to expand the resource consumption; production including the land, machinery and equipment, raw materials, to improve production efficiency, there must be a higher-quality labor force (including technology and management personnel) to develop, control and use more advanced production technology. Therefore, the connotation expanded reproduction is to improve the efficiency of resource use through the use of advanced technology and management methods to increase output without increasing wealth as well as reduce consumption at the same time. In general, the extension connotation expanded reproduction is to broaden the base of reproduction. Only when the extension to expand production reaches a certain size, in order to expand production from connotation. Expanding Reproduction is the ultimate way to expand extension reproduction necessary requirement for the development to a certain level, but also for economic development. In the early days of industrialization of a country, extension of expanded reproduction of historical inevitability; when industrialization reaches a certain level, the full expansion of economies of scale, resource constraints become increasingly serious, it must turn Expanding Reproduction. In reality, extension and connotation expanded reproduction expanded reproduction generally combine a certain way which can play a major role in economic growth.

domestic development

Since the founding of China's economic development to expand production of existing extension, also has the connotation expanded reproduction, is the extension of expanded reproduction in general. Although the reform and opening up and asked repeatedly stressed that the transformation of economic growth mode, but for various reasons, the current economic growth is still mainly rely on the extension of expanded reproduction, not yet fully embarked on the road connotation expanded reproduction. It has been calculated, 1978-2002, China's economy average annual growth of 9.3%, which contributed extension to expand production 68%, Expanding Reproduction contributions accounted for only 32%. 1980-2004, Chinese GDP at constant prices increased about six-fold, while steel, copper, aluminum and coal consumption increased by 8.8 times, 4.7 times, 16.5 times and 2.2 times, land, minerals and water resources expand consumption potential has been substantially depleted, and some also appeared excessive consumption of resources and overdraft phenomenon.

China's economic development so long failed to embark connotation expanded reproduction of the road, because there are a series of constraints, including historical factors, technical factors, institutional factors and policy factors. After half a century of development, China to expand the potential extension of reproduction is almost exhausted, way out in the future is the development of Expanding Reproduction. To do this, we must change our use of resources fundamentally. One of the fundamental shortcomings of traditional extension of expanded reproduction is to implement a one-time or single use of the means of production of raw materials, resulting in waste and pollution. Without changing the way one-time use of resources to improve the conditions of space efficiency is very limited, we must implement recycling and comprehensive utilization of production of raw materials as much as possible. The only way to solve the shortage of resources and environmental pollution problems facing China fundamentally. Therefore, it should be to develop a recycling economy, resource recycling and comprehensive utilization as the basic connotation of expanded reproduction method.

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