Cyber ​​language


  1. The composition of morphemes is mainly words, and more and more English letters and numbers and a few graphics are added to it. In addition to the original words in Chinese, a large number of emerging words are involved. At the same time, the Internet has also evolved some word meanings, or expanded or shifted, or changed its emotional color. These words are all important new forces in the emerging Internet language. If you don’t understand these words, you will become illiterate in the Internet-Internet illiteracy. For example, "like this" is said to be "Jiaozi", without the "moderator", say "shower"; "555" means crying, and "886" means goodbye (bye bye), most of which are similar in pronunciation with Chinese Extended; there are also a large number of English abbreviations or transliterated words such as BBS, BLOG, PK (an upgraded version of VS, that is, player killing); in addition, there are also: -) for smiling, and *()* for blushing Etc.

  2. Newly created or established by the Internet crowd. The emergence and dissemination of this kind of language is mainly parasitic on the Internet population, as well as a large number of mobile phone users. Internet languages ​​such as “dinosaurs, crush, mold girls, frogs, fungus men, Dongdong” often appear in Chat, and “next door, upstairs, downstairs, host, diving, "Irrigation" and other "professional" words. There are rich and vivid emoticons in QQ chats, such as a waving hand representing "goodbye" and a gasping cup representing "drink tea"; more and more "near dialect words" are used in mobile phone text messages, such as "Lengsong" "(Northwest dialect, sound leng3 sound loose 2 sound, meaning "exhaust"), etc.

  3. Internet language has been continuously enriched and eliminated. If you pay attention to and summarize the words that people often say when expressing anger in recent years, you will find a clear evolutionary path. That is, "Wow" originally introduced by Hong Kong and Taiwan (although it mostly means surprise in the country later, but at first it was a curse)-Fuck-I rely on-I am down (now use this literal more (In a more civilized form)-I am dizzy-I went (it became popular after the release of funny comics and Chinese). Why are the ones in the middle received by people from the beginning to the later abandonment? This is a process of the people's choice in language use. Those words that do not conform to the times and social development will eventually be abandoned in the long river of history. Only those that are recognized by most people will have lasting vitality.


Digital type: generally homophonic, such as 9494=that is; 7456=I am so angry; 555~~~~= woo Woo (crying sound); 886=bye bye; 520=I love you; 5454=I am what I am;

Translation: In fact, this is very common in linguistics. It is a foreign language, which is generally based on For the pronunciation of the original text, find appropriate Chinese characters instead, such as "伊妹儿"=e-mail; "Wang Dudie"=windows; "Dang"=download, download;

letter type: word creation method It is still homophonic, replace the original Chinese characters with the pronunciation of simple letters, for example, MM = sister; PP = Piao Piao (duplicated words give people a lovely feeling because of the repetitive pronunciation), which means beautiful; E Text = English; S = death. There are also some frequently used in English (the current written language is also becoming more colloquial): u=you; r=are;

Symbol type: simple symbols are used to express a certain expression or text, Mostly with facial expressions. This emoticon originated in the United States, and the earliest emoji that can be verified is:) (smiley face). Later, it flourished in the Japanese animation industry. For example, "- -" means a "speechless" expression; "O.O" means a "surprised" expression; "TT" means a "tears" expression. On occasions where it is inconvenient to directly use pictures to show facial expressions (such as light novels, etc.), instead of pictures to show facial expressions. After becoming a network language, more forms appeared. Symbols indicate that the text is mostly related to homophonic sounds, such as "=" for "wait"; "o" for "oh"; "**" for indecent language, etc.

Introduction type: Directly introduce vocabulary from foreign languages, most of which are Japanese. Such as black belly (黒黒い), cute (萌え) and so on. This kind of introduction is quite convenient because of the special ideographic characteristics of Chinese characters used in Japanese.

There are many such words on the Internet, such as:

Meimei----beautiful girl;




Rookie-poor novice;




I was bitten by countless mosquitoes, called--- -~~~Xin Mosquito Lianbo;

I don’t call me, I call ----I;

Young people are not called young people, they are called ----Little Pchild ;

Cockroaches are not called cockroaches, they are called ----Xiaoqiang;

What are they not called cockroaches, they are called ----Xia Mi;

, Is called ---- table;

I like it or not, it is called ----porridge;

This is not called this way, it is called ---- sauce purple;


That kind of thing is not called that kind of thing, it's called ----Stuffing Purple

Is it good or not, called----women;

Strong is not called strong, it is called- ---Gong though;

Card games are not called card games, they are called ---- Killing.

Fans---Idol pursuers


Uh, uh---indicating words are inexhaustible

Sauce---Don’t do it like this


The irregular phenomenon of the language itself refers to the use of words, words, sentences and other language components in the Internet to break the existing Some Chinese language system rules, as well as non-compliance with language laws, norms and standards. Specific to the irregularities of the Internet language, it can be divided into three situations:

(1) Break the existing grammatical rules or change the relationship between the form, sound and meaning of existing words, such as "XX control, dinosaur, 壕, 666" and so on.

(2) Create words, such as "face value", "white rich beauty", "his big rush", "people are hard to dismantle" and so on.

(3) Mixed use of graphics, symbols, foreign words, etc., such as using ":)" to indicate happiness, adding -ing after a Chinese verb to indicate that you are doing something, and using "hold to live" to indicate persistence, etc.

There is also a phenomenon of network language irregularity, which is the problem of the Chinese translation standard of network and computer terms. The main reason is the lack of unified translation standards. The folks will use some "vulgar" translations, such as "E-mail" Translated as "伊妹儿", "download" translated into "当".

On the other hand, the problem of verbal content refers to the use of vulgar and vulgar language by language users to post information, comments, etc., or use swear words to personally attack others. There will be language elements that have negative sentimental colors, violate cultural taboos, reflect social ugliness and unhealthy ideas and concepts, such as "diaosi, green tea bitch, forced style" and so on. The widely criticized Internet language pollution and language violence "chaos" actually refer to such situations. This is actually a question of the content expressed by the language and the behavior of language users, not a question of the norms of the language itself.

Functional variants

There is still a lot of information on the Internet that is not original, including formal, serious, authoritative and professional published by various organizations, institutions and some individuals Sexual information basically uses conventional language expression, and its communication target and scope are relatively open. It belongs to the nature of mass communication and does not belong to the network language category in the strict sense.

Internet language is a functional variant of language, just as there are written and spoken variants, formal and informal variants in language, due to the communication objects, communication media and tools It is naturally formed by the difference between the communication scene and so on.

The emergence of some special language forms in the Internet initially comes from the communication between members of the online community. The objects of communication are limited to a specific group, and the topic is relatively limited in a certain range. Information publishers do not expect their language to be understood and accepted by people outside of a specific network group, and even deliberately prevent others from understanding, so there will be some elements similar to jargon and slang that make it different from ordinary language.

The influence of this kind of communication through the non-face-to-face electronic screen transmission medium, as well as the keyboard input, text input method, input speed and other conditions, will inevitably use some "novel" language or non-verbal symbols. In order to achieve the expected communicative effect and efficiency.

As a language variant, it is different from the Internet language information of the mass communication nature, and is closer to the daily spoken language style, with a more casual style, reflecting the characteristics of interpersonal communication, and belongs to the nature of interpersonal communication. . It's just that this kind of communication is "shown to the public" by means of online recording and dissemination, which is easy to attract more attention.

Standard language

Language norm refers to the language planning work of the government or social organizations to intervene the language and its use in a purposeful, planned, and organized manner. The text itself is standardized and standardized in order to better meet the needs of social communication. The target of the standard is mainly the problems that may cause communication inconvenience and confusion when using language in the public domain, such as the establishment of standards for the use of language and writing, unified fonts, phonetics, etc., while the use of personal language in the non-public domain is not within the scope of the specification.

Language norms are only for the language symbol system itself, and cannot restrict the ideology and cognition of language users. The basic principle of language norms is to start from the actual situation of social life and language life and actual communication needs, and cannot be separated from the essence of language-the most important communication tool for human beings.

Basically speaking, the existence and use of language does not matter whether it is reasonable or unreasonable, as long as it meets the needs and is easy to use. The development and change of language is the product of the development and change of society and human thinking. Even if today's norms are implemented, it is difficult to guarantee that tomorrow will be out of date. Therefore, language standards can only be carried out within a limited scope, and can only be guided by the situation, and cannot be implemented artificially or compulsorily. It is unscientific and futile to stipulate that certain words or language forms are not allowed.

To distinguish between different types of online languages. The Internet language of the nature of mass communication belongs to the object of regulation and should be regulated. my country's existing language regulations and standards provide the basis and operating standards. Moreover, this part of language products is also an effective support for positively establishing norms, and should give full play to its role in demonstrating and guiding language norms. As for the network language information of the nature of interpersonal communication, it is appropriate to treat it according to the field of personal language life. It does not use the language of the whole people to treat and request it.

This kind of norms should be fundamentally guided positively, starting with improving the national language literacy, so that people can better grasp the model and elegant style, and distinguish the difference between the national language and various functional language variants. In the cyberspace, we should focus on strengthening the language norms of public institutions and authoritative media, and give play to their exemplary and leading role. At the same time, strengthen the popularization of language regulations and standards.


Since April 1, 2014, Henan Province has initiated the implementation of the "National Common Language and Character Law", and the official documents and textbooks of state agencies must not use vocabulary and grammar that do not conform to modern Chinese. Standard network vocabulary.

The policy clearly stipulates that in the following four situations, Mandarin should be used as the basic terminology: terminology for official activities of state agencies and other organizations with public management functions; education and teaching in kindergartens, schools, and other educational institutions And campus language; broadcast, host and interview language of radio and TV stations, movie, TV drama language, Chinese language audiovisual products, audio electronic publications, etc.; culture, tourism, transportation, postal, telecommunications, health, sports, finance and other public In the service industry, the use of Putonghua as the service language is advocated, among which practitioners who directly provide services to the public should use Putonghua as the basic service language.

Internet Linguistics

The study of Internet language has become a new growth point in linguistics. With the deepening of research, a brand-new linguistic discipline-Internet Linguistics came into being; its development is very rapid, and it has been recognized by the academic community.

This subject was first proposed by Professor Zhou Haizhong, a well-known Chinese scholar, in the article "A New Language Subject-Cyber ​​Linguistics" published in 2000. Since then, network linguistics has attracted the attention of academic circles. A well-known Spanish scholar, Dr. Perste Guero, published a monograph "Network Linguistics: Language, Discourse and Thought on the Internet" published in 2003, and made a more comprehensive and systematic discussion of network linguistics. In 2005, the well-known British linguist Professor David Crystal published an article "The Scope of Cyber ​​Linguistics", in which he made an in-depth discussion on the influence of the Internet and information technology on language. Since the large-scale popularization of the Internet, Internet Linguistics has become a hot spot in linguistics research, and its theoretical system and research methods have yet to be continuously improved.

For more than 80 million netizens, online language has a unique charm. A college student said in an interview that online language is also a kind of culture. First of all, in order to save trouble, such as saying "goodbye" on the Internet, generally only the number "88" is used instead. After a long time, it will become customary. Secondly, many Internet terms have their own meanings, such as "rookie" and "dinosaur". , If you say straightforwardly, "You are really a bad newbie" or "This is really an ugly girl", you will lose the taste you deserve. There is also the use of "watering" to describe spamming posts on forums, which is very vivid. Changing other words may not express this feeling. After all, the Internet is a relatively free virtual space, and it is not realistic to regulate it with realistic norms.

The birth of new words is more dependent on It is established by convention and recognized by everyone, and it has vitality. This part of the new words will be included in the "Modern Chinese Dictionary". The development of Internet language will also have such a trend in the future: that is, some of them are like "big brothers". ; The other part will come down from the Internet and become people’s daily language.

Commonly used terms

Because the language of the Internet changes, here is divided into three parts, respectively according to the letter sounds The order is arranged, and the part of speech in Chinese is also marked.

Active version

The terms in this column can be used in most post bars and forums. p>

……ing: Auxiliary word. A usage of the verb in progress, derived from English grammar.

233: Interjection, laugh. The emoticon of Maopu No. 233 is a big laugh, so this number is Used as a synonym for laughter. The increase in the number of 3 indicates the degree of laughter.

2B: Adjective. Derived from the related term "two" in the northern dialect. 2B is a euphemism like "I have a pencil pierced".

3Q: Interjection. Thank You, thank you.

54: Verb. The homonym of "ignoring", that is, ignoring a person, I express the greatest disdain for it.

886: Interjection. Bye bye, bye bye.

9527: Subject-verb phrase. After rotating 180 degrees, it becomes LZSB, and it is used in a large number of film and television works. It appears.

BL: boy's love, gay. The opposite is GL.

BT: noun/adjective①The abbreviation of Bit Torrent (Bit Comet) is a A kind of P2P (peer-to-peer) sharing software, commonly known as "perverted downloads." ②The abbreviation of "perverted".

FFF group: "Idiot Quiz Summoners" opposes heterosexuality and imposes natural punishment on heterosexuals Group. Also refers to similar groups in various realities.

FQ: Noun. Angry youth.

GF: Noun. Girl Friend, girlfriend. The opposite is BF, Boy Friend , Boyfriend.

GG: noun. The abbreviation of elder brother, refers to male, sometimes girls refer to their boyfriend. In contrast, the abbreviation of MM, younger sister or Meimei refers to female. Sometimes boys refer to their girlfriends.

GJ: Phrases. The abbreviation of Good job, but it has more restrictions than the original version, and occasionally means "getting a foundation".

JJ: Noun. ① The abbreviation of sister. ②The abbreviation of Jiji.

JS: Noun. Abbreviation for "profite business".

LJ: noun/adjective. Garbage, disable.

NB: adjective. The abbreviation for Niu ×, used in Beijing dialect to express awe-inspiring. There is also a euphemism called "between cow A and cow C."

PP: Noun. ①The abbreviation of "PianPian", PianPian refers to photos. ②The abbreviation of "butt", butt refers to the buttocks.

PS: short for noun/verb Photoshop, also refers to the use of Photoshop to process pictures

RPWT: positive phrase. The abbreviation for character issues, from the Maopu forum. Generally speaking, as long as something is unsolvable, it can be attributed to RPWT. Character (RP) has become synonymous with luck.

SB: Noun. Stupid X, swear word, scornful name for others, forbidden. For the same reason, there is the so-called euphemism "between silly A and silly C".

TMD: Adverbs of tone. It has nothing to do with the US "Theater Missile Defense System", fuck, foul language, use it with caution. All vulgar words can be replaced by the first letter, not listed one by one.

V587: Adjective. Mighty and domineering.

YY: Verb. The abbreviation for licentiousness, from the sixth chapter of "A Dream of Red Mansions", which is spiritually licentious. Its meaning has been further promoted on the Internet. Novels with extremely inflated confidence are collectively referred to as YY novels.

Allah: [1] [方] pronoun. We, Ningbo dialect, Shanghai dialect, etc. are commonly used.

[2] The transliteration of Japanese あら (oops), usually when you see the scene of killing you.

Owner: noun. The homophony of the moderator can also be written as Banzhu and Owner. The beautiful homophony due to pinyin input. The deputy moderator is called "Bang Axe".

Cup: noun/verb. Homophones for "tragedy" can be used as nouns (something that makes people feel pitiful) or as verbs (to be involved in a pitiful thing), in contrast to "washing utensils (comedy)" and "tableware (tragedy) "Wait

Be: particle. In the past, verbs that did not use passive usage add the word "being" to add a meaning, such as wages "being increased", college students "being employed" and so on. It is often used to reflect social phenomena and highlight social contradictions.

Believe it or not, I believe it anyway: sentence. The whole sentence is popular on the Internet, expressing helplessness to facts that cannot be explained by common sense. The allusion comes from the 7.23 Yongwen Line Extraordinary Train Accident. Abbreviated as "high-speed iron"

Unknown Jue Li: Although I don't understand what you are talking about, it feels like it is very powerful. Department of modern Chinese abbreviations.

Dislike: verb.

[1] is also called kicking, leaving a paw mark, etc., which means to post.

[2] Some forums have a two-way scoring mechanism for posts. Dislikes are negative comments, which will cause the posts to slide down.

Rookie: noun. Originally referred to people with relatively low computer skills, and later widely used in real life, it refers to people who are not very good at a certain field. The opposite is old birds or prawns. The source has Beijing dialect and foreign language.

Prawn: noun. "Heroes" refers to senior webworms who have a relatively long Internet age, or people who are particularly proficient in a certain aspect (such as computer technology or article level). Generally speaking, they are called so with good reputation.

On behalf of the law: verb, hand over the mysterious code or report you.

Dan Pain: Subject-verb phrase. How the male genitals feel when they are hit, and the specific feelings of male compatriots can try on their own.

Said: particle. Indicates emphasizing or restricting. The source is from the two camps of foreign dialects and various genres.

Top: verb. Once someone responds to a post in a general forum, it goes to the top of the topic list. This replying action is called "top", and the opposite of "top" is "sink".

Du Niang: noun. Baidu’s feminine image, please refer to the link for details

Peekaboo: Verbs. Refers to the evasion of responsibility. For the incident, please refer to the link

Fans: Noun. The transliteration of FANS, a type of person who is super fan of someone or something, also called fan, sweet potato, or "fan" or "fan" for short. According to the original name of a certain star, there are more related words such as "corn", "jelly powder", etc.

Floating clouds: nouns. The language is "The Analects of Confucius · Shuer". Means unimportant things, and the following "sacred horses" form "sacred horses are clouds", please refer to the link for details

Black belly: adjective. It means a person who is psychologically evil, the Japanese-Chinese dictionary puts this word after the word "ghost". From the Japanese "Abdomen 黒い"

Irrigation: verb-object phrase. Originally refers to posts published on forums that have little reading value. After the forum is popularized, it is customary to refer to the vast majority of posts and replies as "watering", which does not contain derogatory meaning.

Gao Fushuai: noun. The ideal male standard. There are also white, rich and beautiful, short and poor.

Awesome: verb/adjective. In local dialects, it means "bringing strength", "niu", and "cool"; used as a verb, it means "giving strength" and "refueling". There are various online usages, meaning "helpful, effective, and face-saving". Since it was used by Jiangsu Daily in the news "Jiangsu Geli "A Cultural Province" in 2010, it has been accepted and widely used in reality.

Khan: Expressing shame and helplessness. Derivative words include: violence Sweat, profuse sweat, death by sweat, waterfall sweat, torrential rain Lihua sweat, etc..

Martian posts: correct phrases. Old posts that have been reposted by countless people a long time ago. Called Martians. Usually reply posts will say: the original poster should go back to Mars, the earth is very dangerous. Some people use the word "煋" to indicate (from Zhou Xingxing’s "Shaolin Football")

:Except the host, all the people who reply to the post can be called "2nd floor" and "3rd floor" in turn...

Soy sauce: refers to passers-by who have nothing to do with the incident. There are two worthy The origin of adoption is the most cited by Guangzhou TV.

Cheating: Adjectives, also considered to be verb-object phrases, are more common in the comments of certain submissions, and are used to satirize, ridicule, or complain about it all the year round." "Dig hole" is not filled or filled very slowly. From the "Funny Comics Day and Stickers" dubbed by Baomu Zhongyang

Dinosaurs: nouns. Female netizens who are not beautiful, including Derogatory. The opposite is "frog", which describes male Internet users who look sorry.

Control: word formation, a suffix that expresses love for something but difficult to extricate. From English complex (complex), scripture Japanese Changing hands is popular in China. The earliest use precedent is the term "lolicon"

Pants take off look at this: I take off my pants, let me watch this? Most netizens' response to character posts . It comes from a male netizen who was deceived by a character post on the 2ch forum in Japan.


[1] Verb, with its own passive meaning. When experiencing a certain event, There is a "boom" in the head. Like a thunderstorm, it is called "being thundered." There are many groups of words to be used flexibly.

[2] Adjectives, describing people and things that can make people feel the above-mentioned feelings .

...a...(or...a...,...a...etc.): Modal auxiliary word. It is meaningless, but it is usually placed between the verb and the object of the verb-object phrase to buffer the tone. The role of the forum.

Building: a noun. The theme and replies of the electronic bulletin board are superimposed on layers like tall buildings, so "building" is a synonym for the theme of the forum, and there are related derivatives.

Upstairs: The person who replied to the same topic post earlier than you, and the opposite is "downstairs".

Original: Noun. The person who posted the topic post. Abbreviated as LZ

Passing by: Verb. I don’t want to seriously reply to a post, but want to get the score or experience value of the post. The corresponding words are: top, silent, flooding, speechless, drifting, passing, etc. Simple expressions are also one of the forms. For the sake of To deal with the word limit system introduced by some forums, the "fifteen-character" reply method has also appeared.

Vest: Noun. Registered members have registered other names. These names are collectively referred to as vests, which are opposite to vests. Is the main ID.

Man: adverb. Very. For example: Pretty good

Moe: adjective. From the Japanese "Moe え", it describes the cuteness of the little girl (the big sister is no exception, and the cuteness is all-round), which makes people happy.

Diving: verb. People who stay in the forum every day, but do not post, only read the posts, and pay attention to the daily affairs of the forum.

Personality posts: nouns. Test whether you have a RPWT post. The topic of the post is very hot. As long as you are tricked into it, it means you have RPWT. Example: This post titled "Nude Photos of Hackberry" is a personal blog post, but it is actually a picture of a "hackberry" in it. People who post such posts are called headline parties.

Sofa: noun. SF, the first person to reply. Later, people who could not sit on the sofa claimed to have sat on the "bed" or the host's "thigh" and so on. There are also the so-called "bench", "floor" and so on, which is a more backward term.

Flash: verb. Leave quickly.

Flash: noun. People who use Flash software to make animations.

Shenma: interrogative pronouns. The homophony of "what", please refer to the link for details

Mysterious code: noun, 115 network disk extraction code. Used to share resources.

Swipe the screen: verb. Open a forum, all topic posts are posted with the same ID. In particular, this behavior in Baidu Tieba is called blasting.

Ten great beasts: nouns, ten euphemisms represented by grass mud horses, which have increased or decreased since they became popular, and the most commonly used total Maintained at around ten types. The ten oldest species are: 1 grass mud horse, 2 tailed Shen whales, 3 shark crabs, 4 Duffy chickens, 5 Jiba cats, 6 Yindao swallows, 7 chrysanthemum silkworms, 8 Yamo butterflies, 9 Fak squids, and 10 spring pigeons.

Ten moves and refused: Verb, very moved and then rejected the other party. For details, please refer to the link

Sailor: Noun. People who like irrigation. High-level ones are also called buckets, water ghosts, and narcissus. When referring to female irrigators, there is also a specific name: jellyfish. More bluntly called water B.

Wiki: noun. Internet enthusiasts who like to use hypertext technology like WIKI.

I bought a watch last year: interjection, the hidden "I'll go to your Gobi Gobi", input wqnmlgb in Pinyin and it will pop up automatically. There are many other so-called upgraded versions.

Xiao Bai: Noun. ①Bad nickname, refers to people who do nothing on the Internet; ②The abbreviation of "little idiot"; ③Novice or not good at a particular profession. [Example] In terms of animation, I am a ~.

Xiaoqiang: Noun. The cockroach in "Tang Bohu Dianqiuxiang" generally refers to cockroaches, and also refers to people with particularly tenacious vitality. For example, the five bronze saints in Saint Seiya are called the five little strong.

Like: an adjective. Southern dialect, the third tone (Zan) is recommended when using it, which means excellent

+1: The part of speech is unknown. To express agreement with the topic or the viewpoint of a certain floor is to often use the sentence pattern of +1 on a certain floor. +The larger the number behind, the higher the degree of agreement.

+u: Verb. Come on

BQ5: Noun. From a comic cartoon of a husband and wife in Baidu Tieba, B refers to MM Q I mean. For example: show off BQ5 with buddies and friends, which means I just chatted about Q and picked up girls. Afterwards, it was used in many forums. Because B is often considered a derogatory term, most BQ5s are accused of chatting with Xiaosan or lover

NTR: Verb, Japanese 睡取る (cuckold, netoru) Abbreviation for Roman sound.

Reserve version

This kind of term is only popular in a few post bars and websites, and it may not be understood and mastered without relevant knowledge.

neta: noun/verb. The original meaning is タネ (kind) in Japanese. The new word produced after the exchange expresses the meaning of "allusion". The more similar Chinese is "stalk". At the same time used as a verb, it means to adopt a certain allusion. (Example: A neta from B) Among them, "allusion" refers exclusively to allusions that appear in popular animation games and other works. In principle, this term is not used when quoting ancient traditional stories.

w: verb. Japanese internet term, 笑う (笑, warau) Roman acronym, the more w the higher the degree of laughter. See more in the cute post.

Shou Ji: Noun. The homophony of mobile phones, the new words that appear under the influence of the sprouting of things in life, are more common in the cute post.

Private: pronouns. Japanese わたくし, a commonly used first person pronoun. Similarly, there are "servants" and so on. It is widely used as the first person pronoun in Mengxi Post Bar.

Retired version

The words in this column are basically not used on the Internet and in reality after 2006. If it is used forcibly, it will only attract the evaluation of "the original poster"

BS: Verb. The abbreviation of contempt can also be written as B4. Example: If you don't specify ZT, Qingmei will BS you, and all the people in the forum will B4 you.

BD: Idiot.

DD: ①The abbreviation of younger brother, occasionally has extended meaning. ②The abbreviation for Dongdong, referring to things. Although it is placed in the decommissioned version, it is still widely used.

HJ: Noun. Traitor.

JR: Bitch, swear word, use it with caution.

PF: Verb. Admire the abbreviation.

PLMM: The abbreviation for beautiful girl. After 2005, it was replaced by terms such as "Mengmeizi".

PPMM: An upgraded version of PLMM, which can make you beautiful.

SJB: Neuropathy, swear words, use with caution.

SL: Abbreviation for satyr.

ZT: ①The abbreviation of "repost". ② The abbreviation of "pig head", extended to ZT3, pig head three; ZT4, pig head four.

Ah Li: What. From Arabic, [example] Are you ~? Which are you?

Pure water: noun. Irrigation without any substance is also called water vapor.

Protein: fool + idiot + neurotic. This statement seems to have disappeared for several years.

Inverted: verbs. Fainting means being surprised at a certain post or a certain reality.

Ga: Very. For example: You type fast

Porridge: I like it. (Along with protein, it once dominated the world of online languages, but it seems to have disappeared.)

Xiao Hei: Noun. Blacklist.

9494: Phrases. That’s it

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