Public relations advertising


Public Relations Advertising (The Advertising of Public Relations)

Making news organization is to expand awareness, enhance organizational reputation, shaping effective way to organize a good image. However, for an organization, such opportunities not a lot of media attention nor will focus on long-term lock on one or a few organizations. But corporate image of the publicity, but must continue to be, therefore, paid advertising and PR organization became the inevitable choice.

The so-called public relations advertising, is a comprehensive managed to enhance public understanding of the organization, increase visibility and reputation of the organization, in order to win the trust and cooperation of public advertising. Public relations advertising, you can play to shape the image of the organization, strengthen brand image, promote the organization aims to guide public opinion and so on.

Public Relations Advertising Public Relations referred to the ad. The so-called public relations advertising, refers to a campaign of a company or organization to promote public understanding of its integrity, enhance its visibility and reputation undertaken. Most of this campaign is free. For example, US President Ronald Reagan during the visit, held a return banquet at the Great Wall Sheraton Hotel Beijing, to five hundred of the foreign press conference made this fact sheet, which is the Great Wall Hotel is undoubtedly made a world of free advertising and PR . And according to a survey of foreign, advertising and PR positive impact on the company's stock price was 2%. Suppose a company has a stock of 200 million yuan, then rose 2% increase is equivalent to four million yuan. Visibility, good PR advertising can bring significant economic and social benefits to the enterprise or organization. For this reason, the relationship between advertising and PR writing law studies and psychological factors, the effect of improving public relations and advertising thus promoting social progress and civilization will have a positive significance

numerous public relations advertising, production version is also flexible and diverse, but its mode of transmission of view, can be divided into news dissemination and non-news media two broad categories. The former include: Congratulations advertisement, apologized advertising, creative advertising; which is called "word of mouth" ad.

(From "Applied Writing" in 1989 a)


concept of advertising

concept of advertising is through advocacy or indoctrination some ideas and opinions, trying to guide or change public perception, an advertising influence attitudes and behavior of the public. The concept of advertising can be a purpose, belief, culture or a policy advocacy organizations, it can be a tendency to spread social trends or hotspots. Such as Westinghouse Electric Corporation has published ads on the end of the year, "Times", the year the company's various news reports and brought together, and called the general title "Over the past year the company's all good news."

credibility of advertising

credit society organizations through public advertising is its high-quality products, quality service and good reputation at home and abroad advertising publicity appraised Awards. Finds that such authority, consumer recognition and objective evaluation of the public, has a high reliability, it can be social organizations for comments directly to consumers way, the performance of its service-oriented, reputation first purpose. When

thanks ads

festival, anniversary, or some kind of social activities organized successful conclusion, to express my heartfelt thanks to all sectors of the public or the consumer public. Expression of gratitude move society organizations, more enhance its emotional communication with the public, to maintain the relationship with the public, heighten the atmosphere of friendship. Such as:

Japan Asia Airways occasion of the celebration of 15 years, made a public relations advertising. The title is: "Every encounter, we are grateful, the future will continue from now." Text is:. "Because of your love, so that we have the results today, for your good friend, we sincerely grateful now for 15 years get along, we better understand your needs, when you leave AirAsia's new world, you will feel from the inside out a new look, more elegant style, more considerate care, so you have the most comfortable range. the new spacecraft to Asia , more refined and warm, sincere look forward to your. "

Public relations advertising

congratulatory advertisements

festival, anniversary, Hershey social organization to the public or to congratulate a sister unit at the opening ceremony, you can increase a family; represents work together with the public, offer love to the public mind.

apologize Advertising

social organization apologizing for their lack of work at or own fault to the public, to show sincerity, or to apologize for the way of expressing progress that has been acquired and further developed to retreat to enter, a surprise move.

explanation Advertising

In the image of the organization society is distorted, causing public misunderstanding, promptly explain the truth to the public, to clarify attitudes, including its policies, guidelines to clarify the rumors to confuse, to correct the image of the damage, maintenance reputation.

the name of social organization spearheaded an important impact on society and the activities or initiatives of a new concept, show its social responsibility, the moral principles of advertising initiatives, innovation, etc., show its good social demeanor, showing its firsts, leading the trend, the courage to take the lead, has attracted the attention and praise for the public. Such as the 2002 "Consumer Science", by the including Zhou Guangzhao (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Wang Daheng (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academy of Engineering), etc., 75 Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering, and 153 signatures and the initiative of scientific and technical experts, promote scientific consumption.



utilitarian purposes

advertising and PR is part of the public relations practice activities, its utilitarian purpose and overall goal of public relations and engage in public relations organization development goals closely linked. Therefore, it is a clear distinction with commercial advertising on the target. PR advertising is "to promote social organization", whose main objective is to call attention to social organizations, interest, trust and goodwill, to create an enabling organizational development of good social environment and atmosphere, and the purpose of commercial advertising is directly stimulate public the desire for consumption, so as to expand the sales of goods or services to expand the surface, the purpose of increasing service revenue. Different advertising goals, determines the different public relations and advertising commercial advertising utilitarian purpose in the writing process revealed the extent of, mostly advertising and PR "of hidden" by relatively objective, calm introduced gradually establish in the public image; the presentation of commercial advertising will have to do everything possible to enhance its appeal, and strive to give your audience a sense of urgency, prompting advertising behavior occurs as soon as possible, and sometimes even a "drink ××, the award", "×× (brand) one million yuan words big gift "," Not much inventory, shoppers soon as possible "and so very tempting, this situation rarely seen in public relations advertising.

theme of altruism

conduct public relations public relations advertising regulatory requirements under the premise of "self-interest" of the advertising rules, as far as possible reflect altruism, to serve for the purpose of the public, reflecting a similar "social welfare" spirit, and commercial advertising in the "realistic" code of conduct at the request, with a relatively strong tendency to "self-interest." Differences code of conduct, leading to a different public relations advertising and commercial advertising in the process of writing the theme established in the former, although the ultimate goal is "selfish", but reflected in advertising in the presentation theme is "altruism" of; then who, with the ultimate aim of the presentation is entirely consistent thrust to establish the theme of the presentation without the need to avoid "self-serving nature." Such as: "Declaration of giants" Giant Group's public relations advertising, which is the last paragraph reads: "Giants cause is the cause of the people 'Giants pursue their careers, do not just want to make money,' 'Chinese people do the Giants'. giant will continue to make high-tech real benefit of the people, for the benefit of the country. "(Xinhua daily Telegraph · 1995.6.8) considered as part of the cause of the giant nation great cause of prosperity, the advertising theme positioned" to benefit the people, for the benefit of the country " This fully reflects the altruistic theme of advertising and PR.

News structural elements

Some are direct advertising and PR news emerged, such as: significant achievements to promote the corporate community, in recognition of the situation by advertising and PR, corporate participation advertising and PR activities of social welfare contributions, introduce enterprises to implement new strategies, corporate representatives latest major events of public relations advertising, and corporate representatives appear in advertising access record and so on, its structural elements have significant news features. See Example: "air conditioning market blaze a dark horse in the original Warburg director Li Gang rate cable Huajin Jun Springs" (text omitted), "the pursuit of a high starting point, the new strategy - Guangdong excellent all-round air-conditioner plant to participate in market competition." (text omitted), the above two cases were selected from 1995 July 26, "Qilu Evening News" ad, from the title to the actual content, basically in the form of economic communication occurs, is typical of advertising and PR have news elements.


appear in our daily lives the most is commercial advertising, which is a some kind of propaganda particular goods or services to promote the sale of advertising. Despite the public relations advertising and commercial advertising is advertising, but they are actually different.


advertising purposes

direct commercial advertising is the name of the product or performance propaganda, its purpose is to induce purchase motivation of consumers, to promote the sale of products or services. As

"Huali brand mosquito coils, unknown dedication", "power washing machines, dedicated to the mother's love."

Public advertising is not directly promote products, but the dissemination of information related to the image of the organization outside of the product. As

"China Hangzhou - calm like a lake, smooth like silk" - Hangzhou tourism advertising and PR. "Do not let anyone say you did not come, everything here is so wonderful, for you are a disgrace.." - Tanzania National Parks advertising. For the difference between the two, it's the image that: commercial advertising to the public to buy my PR advertising to the public love me.


propaganda mode

The same is to influence the transmission of information by the public, there are two differences: commercial advertising is to make the public aware of a product first and then recognize organizations, and public relations Advertising is to allow the public to know the organization Rethinking product. Both modes are as follows:

Advertising Public Relations: Public - Organization - Product

commercial advertising: public - Products - organization

the "battery life" - Japan's Matsushita Electric batteries advertisement is a commercial advertising; "! do not leave it now to make the next generation, too late" - Taiwan Electric Corinthians public service ads, is a public relations advertise.

feelings of different color

commercials focus on guiding people's purchasing behavior, business flatted; the importance of advertising and PR emotional interaction with the public, triggering public goodwill, there is less commercial color , and into the more human nature, concern for the community. Heng Yuan Xiang company as the controversial advertisement (Heng Yuan Xiang, Yang Yang Yang, read three times back and forth) it is purely a widely advertised business practices. But Shenzhen Southern Pharmaceutical Factory presented to the audience in the advertising and PR CCTV is their solidarity with the victims of the truth: the world in black and white, one side is a poor were trapped in the flood on the hillside puppy, while trying to rescue the children puppy sincere and moving, exciting picture. After the puppy saved, launch slogan: surging years, through thick and thin.

different advertising subject

commercial advertising is the main industrial and commercial enterprises, public relations and advertising are the main types of organizations may be government departments, non-profit organizations. As the US government recruitment advertising, "the United States needs you", a foreign traffic safety ad: "You drive a car, no more than 30 kilometers per hour, you can enjoy the beautiful views of the city; more than 60 kilometers, a guest go to court; more than 80 km, Please patronize the city's latest hospital equipment;! on 100 kilometers, I wish you rest in peace "


public relations new era

20 in the 1980s, PR beginning of the introduction of the time, the concept of public relations campaigns in all walks of life is still very weak, advertising is also a very easy to create marketing tools myth.

In 1996, after TCL ace TV hit Liu's advertising, sales will go up at once, then quickly became one of the top three TV sales. But five years later, in 2001, the same TCL, also a star of advertising for your own phone, but extended form has changed in nature. Ad has not aired on television, the media had been rumored Kim Hee-sun to shoot ads for the news TCL, greatly aroused public interest in the advertisement. This is actually TCL marketing design, the entire marketing process, the first public relations for the ad campaign, advertising has not come out in time, the marketing effect already starting to show.

change TCL marketing tool, it is reflected in the transition from advertising to public relations marketing concept marketing concept. An important reason for this change is the marketing concept and changes in the competitive market. In practice, we can find, in a relatively mature market, but growth that is non-homogeneous type of market competition process, turnover and use of its comprehensive marketing tools are better than non-mature markets. After the initial enter the PR China, more and more used in high-tech IT industry, this is because the IT industry was a more fully competitive industry, but also due to the influx of many foreign companies, the pace with international standards also go more quick. When you find foreign competitors are not running blindly advertising, but a lot of thought at the time on public relations, domestic manufacturers have also introduced public relations. In addition, many companies after the crisis, also found that public relations this thing is really important. These two factors together, it promotes the pace of Chinese public relations.

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