Split (Jay Chou sings songs)

Creative Background

What Jay Chou expresses in this song "Split" is a kind of heart, dividing himself into two different selves, which is Jay Chou's deepest personal monologue.

Song lyrics

Sit on my motorcycle

Take you away slowly

A good school that failed to pass the test


You can leave without a smile

Hand over to me slowly

Let go of the confusion in my heart

Raindrops pass by both sides

Separate the two spirits of me

Passing the old man’s house

The basket became so tall

The tree I climbed


When will it become insignificant again

It’s okay

No one noticed me at first

Wait until the rain gets stronger

We will be weak.

I don’t notice it in time

Let me take you away

No proof

No more Void

Based on two positions, I will cover you

I don’t notice it in time

Let me take you away

This is not Stubborn

This is not an escape

No one is tying you away to be happy

Sit on my motorcycle

Slowly drive you Leaving

Good school that can’t pass the test

You can leave without a smile

Give me your hand slowly

Relax Confusion

Raindrops pass from both sides

Separate me from the two spirits

Passing the old man’s house

The basket becomes better High

The tree that I climbed

When did it become small

It’s okay

No one noticed you at first I

Wait until the rain gets stronger

We will be weakened

I don’t notice it in time

Let me take you away

There is no proof

There is no emptiness

Based on two positions, I will cover you

I didn’t notice it in time

Let me take you away

This is not stubbornness

This is not an escape

No one is tied to you to go to be happy

Song Appreciation

In the song "Split", Jay Chou, as a strong "I", has decided to "leave", but "you" is reluctant. In the mainland, the name of the song was changed to "Leave" in order to "avoid taboo". Piano, violin and cello are mainly used in the music, and there is no rap.

Song mv

mv(9 photos)

In the MV of Jay Chou's "Split", he described his spiritual coming-of-age ceremony. The beginning of the first verse describes the author's "leave" after failing the exam (college entrance exam), and the memory of his past life-symbolizing the transition from childhood to adulthood. "I" and "you" are used in the lyrics, but the two narrative subjects both refer to the author himself, which symbolizes the contradictory spiritual opposition.

Important performance




Reference materials

September 28, 2002

Taipei Three-dimensional Stadium


This entry was illegally obtained from 41021653

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