Prototype System


broad sense, the original form of the current system, where the system information is not necessarily, a non-information systems have prototype.

narrowly understood, especially the beginning of the establishment of the prototype system life cycle, minimizing system model can run.

software development process is the analysis system prototype, create a system model, and then optimize the conversion process.


eight principles

construction prototype of their product design helps

Prototype System

As an engineer or scientist, you might think your idea more marketable product ideas; however, you may worry that you lack adequate training or skills required to develop your ideas.

do not worry! We have to follow the road to success! If you can demonstrate the possibility, or if the prototype system will give customers better, and to get real feedback on the value of innovation, then you get the business success will be greatly improved. If you want to create enterprises realize their product ideas, please develop a prototype system and keep in mind the following eight principles.

1, recognize the concept of cheapness - given that we live in an association, full of the wisdom of the Internet world, the idea has become cheap, and likely to become more affordable over time. What is the cost of testing and verification is of economic value. A good prototype system is often to start a dialogue with potential customers and the best way to test the idea of ​​value.

2, from design to start writing - that you may be eager to start coding or design of electronic products very quickly. And resist the urge! Not actually consider some design factors to be written in the code, can cause pain and a lot of changes. Start with a simple written design. For a user interface or web page software prototype, a paper design can effectively and efficiently handle its rapid functional properties. You can get feedback about the position of the image, text, buttons, graphics, or drop-down menu option from colleagues and (hopefully) customers. Written designed not only inexpensive, but also more valuable than verbal expression.

3, put just enough effort - clearly your goals and stick to your goals. Constructed a prototype system has two very good reasons: First, test the feasibility of hardware and software architecture, the second is to create a demo version and get customer feedback, so that you can offer for their innovation and value given. These objectives in mind, and be careful not to indulge in this process. Prototyping is very interesting, and innovators like to correct, however, you want to put in only enough time and work to meet these goals.

4, expect more choice - remember modular design your prototype. Excellent prototype systems are often modular, which means you can quickly adjust them to meet customer demand unpredictable. The final decision on how to use your product is the customer, not your own. Extended design alternatives, and performance of the package, and reduce costs.

5, designed to facilitate the reuse in the final product - the ideal situation is to design a prototype system that you can mass production and distribution. There are not many prototype system configuration tool to meet this requirement. Typically, you sacrifice performance in order to obtain design flexibility. Looking prototype system configuration tool can be your prototype from lab to market.

6, to avoid premature focus on costs - for hardware design, a potentially time-consuming point and traps are in the early stages of your prototype design entangled in endless cost optimization analysis. Cost is always important, but your goal is to make the prototype system falls within the effective range of profitable design. In the initial stage, focus on the value of proven and innovative, and bearing in mind the principles of modular design. Although frustrating, but you can not design may ultimately realize the value of a number of ways. Focus on the struggle for your first customers, and then the cost optimization work.

7, against the "regression to the mean" - during the construction of the prototype system, tend to develop a simple product, rather than developing those amazing products. Stick to your vision, and to ensure that the prototype system achieved the original vision of your innovation.

8, make sure that you can show your prototype - Your prototype should be easy to demonstrate. For customers, venture capitalists (VC) and potential employees, you want to first show a strong attack and the most eye-catching feature. Do not build crescendo! The attention of the vast majority of the population did not remain more than 60 seconds. In the prototype system is introduced, whether they are for new employees or VC, as quickly as possible into the product demonstrations. If the prototype system demonstrates remarkable, all other content will gradually be understood.

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