Product introduction VIA UnichRomeTM Pro IGP is located in the center of VIA K8M800 North Bridge Center, some of which provide a rich visual experience, such as integrated MEPG-2 hardware accelera...
What is human resource accounting measurement measurement of human resource accounting is investment in human resources metering, human labor skills have created or may be metered value creation....
About United Certification Center (china united certification center) referred to CUC, is the former China Machinery Industry Quality System Certification Center (CCMQS), China Machinery Safety Ce...
Synonym Hunan City Channel General refers to Hunan TV Station City Channel Column Introduction "City" Hunan Radio and TV Station City Channel "City 1 Time", is Hunan The first 110-minute news pr...
[ 豫 支 ] February 16, 1939, the Eighth Route Army 115, the 344th Brigade Yang Shu, the director of the Political Department, Cui Tianmin, (formerly known as Chengji) impersonation rate Le...
Philania with MultiMedia Framework Multimedia Framework; Preset Multimedia Framework Regulatory Framework Rules; Regulatory Architecture; Regulatory Frame NET Framework Independent Setup Up; M...
Synonym Mongolian President Generally refers to the President of Mongolia Presidential Overview According to the Mongolian Constitution, the President, the President is the head of state, and is a...
About House In November, Liu Yongfu back Qinzhou, Guangxi Street MO board purchased surname old house, in his later years to build the house "three Xuan Tong", decided to settle in Qinzhou, that g...
synonym Milgram generally refers to reject the power of Milgram experiment Purpose To test subjects who, when confronted by the authority to give orders against their conscience, human nature can...
Laura Jane Adams ( Laura Jane Addams , September 21, 1860 - May 21, 1935), Chicago Her The founder of the Hyster Association. She won the 1931 Nobel Peace Prize in the right of women and black mov...
General We can only develop on the operating system, do not require yourself to realize the various layers of the network. That is, in addition to the application layer, many things of the underlyin...
同义词高清数字电视一般指HDTV 含义高清晰度电视是一种新的电视业务,国际电联给出的定义:“高清晰度电视应是一个透明系统,一个正常视力的观众在距该系统显示屏高度的三倍距离上所看到的图像质量应具有观看原始景物...
Arib Introduction arib English full name AssociationOfradioindustriesandbusinesses Arib is established in accordance with the development trend of the integration of telecom technology, telecomm...
Team History The Blue Bird Team is the only manner in Canada, joining in 1977. Blue bird, ie blue bird, is a small small bird in North America. Due to Toronto neighboring the United States, baseba...
Definition concept is the general characteristics of the human brain on the realistic object and the general characteristics of the phenomenon, and is the most basic unit of thinking activities. T...